+91 8052551085, 7905593691 pcitgonda@gmail.com
Priyadarshini computer institute of Technology Advance Diploma In Computer Application OFFICE AUTOMATION SEWING & EMBROIDARY O LEVEL MS OFFICE + TALLY GST Diploma In Computer Application DESKTOP PUBLISHINGs CCC + TALLY GST DCA+CCC DCA+CCC+TALLY Certificate in Computer Application TALLY WITH GST TALLY PRIME WITH GST INTERNET & BANKING | Online Application Form 2023-24


To make our country youth & more employable and to improve employee efficiency within national/ international organization and industries, Priyadarshini computer institute of Technology developed a different type of computer and information technology courses in the year 2015 and thereon maintained and occupational training program based on the need of the young aspirants carving a niche on potential employment opportunities available in India.